Article 1: General information

SARL VAISON PISTE operates and manages the site entitled “VAISON PISTE”.

This track is intended for the practice of motorised activities (training, trials and formation), with the exception of all official or unofficial competitions. We reserve the right to modify these internal rules at any time. Use of SARL VAISON PISTE's tracks and facilities implies unreserved acceptance of these internal rules. Non-compliance with any of the clauses of these rules will result in the immediate exclusion of the user without any compensation or refund, and the user may be subject to legal proceedings. Any damage caused by the user will be charged to him/her. The speed circuit is approved by the prefectoral decree of May 24, 2023, whose regulations apply to everyone.

Article 2: Schedule

The site is open from 07:30 to 18:00. Unless otherwise stipulated in the rental contract.

Use of the asphalt track is possible: from 09:00 to 12:00, and from 14:00 to 17:00.

A briefing is given by the track supervisor at 08:30 for each day, and is OBLIGATORY for all drivers.

Rental rates are available on our website and at reception in our building. The management reserves the right to close the site for maintenance or vacations.

On request, arrival the day before only at the end of the day (for parking) is possible, and sanitary facilities, showers and parking can be made available.

Silence from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and no vehicle driving during these hours.

Article 3: Insurance

All circuit users must provide proof, no later than the day of use of the infrastructures, that they are individually insured against civil liability for the use of their vehicle on the circuit, except in the case of competitions or timed events. Also, in the case of exclusive rental by a professional or a club, the organizer must provide a certificate of civil liability as an event organizer no later than 30 days before the event.

Without proof of insurance, access to the track will be strictly forbidden. SARL VAISON PISTE cannot be held responsible for accidents to which users (riders or accompanying persons) may be the victim, whether physical or material, nor for theft, damage or any disputes between users.

SARL VAISON PISTE is never the guardian or custodian of vehicles or equipment present on the circuit, and cannot be held responsable for any theft or damage occurring on the site.

AUTO body insurance can be taken out for €12, covering €31,000 in the event of permanent disability and €15,000 in the event of death.

Article 4: Site access conditions

Access: Public access is strictly forbidden. Only circuit users and those accompanying them may enter the site. The mere fact of entering the site implies having read and accepted in full the present regulations, and the risks associated with motor sports activities, under their entire responsibility, with no possible action against the owner or operator of the circuit, except in the case of proven inexcusable fault on the part of the latter.

Parking: Vehicles may only be parked in the circuit's designated parking areas. Any newcomer to the site wishing to use the circuit, or having previously registered to do so, must go to the organizer to complete the administrative formalities (see chap. 5). To park your vehicle, please bring a tarpaulin. All traffic on the site must comply with safety regulations and the french road traffic code. Maximum speed on the parking lots is limited to 20km/h.

The practice of motocross, trial, quad, ATC, mini moto or Pocket-bike, motorized scooter, etc., on the service roads, parking lots and mounds is strictly forbidden, on pain of prosecution.

Article 5: Administrative formalities

For private individuals not passing through a club or company, administrative checks are carried out at the reception desk. On arrival, and before any access to the track, drivers and passengers must:

  • Have completed an individual track use contract by registering online,
  • Have provided proof of civil liability insurance for their vehicle, or have taken out such insurance through Vaison Piste (see article 3),
  • Have paid all sums due (cf. article 6),
  • Have read the circuit layout and the present regulations,
  • Be able to show their valid driving license,

Once the customer and his vehicle(s) have complied with all administrative formalities, the customer will be given an individual wristband for the day, and must follow the instructions of the track supervisor.

For organizers renting the circuit exclusively, administrative formalities must be finalized no later than 30 days before the day of the event. Please note:

  • To have completed and signed a rental contract,
  • Provide a certificate of liability insurance for the organizer,
  • Payment in full of all sums due (cf. article 6),
  • Have read the circuit layout and the present regulations,
  • Provide professional certificates (diploma and insurance) for any participants they may use (track marshals, doctors, instructors, photographers, ....).

Article 6: Payment

For “open driving” days, payment can be made by internet via our website, or directly on the day itself at the reception desk (subject to availability - from 07:30 in the morning and 13:30 in the afternoon).

All track rights taken and paid for cannot be refunded for any reason.

For exclusive rentals, all our services are payable in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the rental contract.

Article 7: Conditions of use

Only participants and passengers (who must be over 18) are allowed on the track while in their vehicles. No passengers are allowed in the back of the vehicle (car or motorcycle). Accompanying persons must stay in the dedicated parking area.

The circuit's traffic flow is clockwise.

All drivers are civilly and criminally liable for any personal injury or material damage they may cause on the entire site. Users undertake to obey all instructions (lights, flags, etc.) given to them by the management.

The management reserves the unrestricted right to interrupt users' progress at any time for safety reasons, such as: dangerous driving, bad weather (ice, fog, snow, heavy rain, etc.), unsafe track conditions (oil, petrol, gravel, etc.), necessary maintenance work (road shoulders, track cleaning, etc.).

Four-wheeled vehicles with open or closed bodies and at least two seats must have their wheels covered over more than 120° of their circumference. All user vehicles, whether two- or four-wheeled, must have no protruding parts. They must be in perfect condition (brakes, tires, no oil leaks, etc.), failing which they will not be allowed on the track. Heavy goods vehicles are not allowed on the track.

For motorcycles, mirrors, headlights, indicators, stands, etc. must be removed, taped or tied down; fixed footrests are forbidden and it is compulsory to have Teflon (hard plastic) protections under footrests. Oil and fuel traps must be watertight, even when the bike is lying down.

Liquid cooling: water only.

All persons riding in the parking lot must wear at least one helmet, even when going to the sound level meter.

Motorcycles must be fitted with an original exhaust system or another exhaust system with a chicane. Superbikes are not allowed on the circuit. The noise limit remains at 95DB, and all motorcycles not complying with the decibel limit will be excluded from the track.

Protective tarpaulin under vehicles is compulsory in the paddocks to prevent pollution and keep the paddocks clean.

Open exhausts are forbidden. Noise must be limited to 95 dB MAXIMUM at all times.

Noise levels will be measured systematically on all vehicles. This will be carried out at a distance of 0.5 m and at an angle of 45° to the exhaust exit point and/or dynamically on the circuit.

Motorcycle control: The permissible noise level is 95dB(A) statically at a speed corresponding to the table below, in compliance with FIM specifications, or any new FFM standards replacing it:

1 cylinder 2 cylinders 3 cylinders 4 cylinders
125 cc 2 stroke 7 000 rpm - - -
600 cc 5 000 rpm 5 500 rpm 6 500 rpm 7 000 rpm
750 cc 5 000 rpm 5 500 rpm 6 000 rpm 7 000 rpm
Above 750cc 4 500 rpm 5 000 rpm 5 000 rpm 5 500 rpm

Car Control: The maximum noise level is 95dB(A), measured at three-quarters of maximum rpm in static mode and then directly on the track in dynamic mode.

If a vehicle's noise level exceeds 95dB when driving or in the paddocks, the vehicle will be immediately excluded, without the driver being entitled to claim any compensation.

Article 8: Safety instructions for users and passengers

Our objective is to offer you the best possible driving conditions on the track, with maximum safety for you and other users, which is why:

Cars: Traffic is limited to a maximum of 18 cars simultaneously on the track.

Motorcycles (including instructors):

  • MOTO Open Day: 25 motorcycles maximum simultaneously on track.
  • Day 4 groups: Gr1 beginners: 30 / Gr2 intermediates: 30 / Gr3 intermediates: 25 / Gr4 drivers: 20
  • Day 3 groups: Gr1 beginners: 30 / Gr2 intermediates: 30 / Gr3 riders: 20

You must scrupulously respect the instructions of the track supervisor and the traffic lights (see chap. 9).

Adopt a sporting attitude, remain humble about your driving skills, respect other participants, and don't overestimate yourself or your vehicle. Even the best drivers make mistakes, and it's the track events that reduce everyone's driving time. It's up to everyone to adopt responsible, safety-conscious driving habits, to ensure maximum driving enjoyment.

Circuit driving can be dangerous and even fatal, and that's why:

Everyone (driver and passenger) must wear a helmet meeting French (NF) or European standards, with the visor down. If you wear a non-approved helmet, SARL Vaison Piste cannot be held responsible for any damage.

For 4-wheeled vehicles, the front and rear towing hooks, if removable, must be in place and easily accessible, and wearing a seatbelt (or harness) is compulsory. We recommend that all 4-wheeled vehicles not equipped with roll bars do not take passengers, for their own safety and that of their passenger.

Coveralls, flame-retardant underwear, gloves, and an approved Hans device are obligatory for ALL vehicles with a roll cage (with the exception of touring vehicles / series approved with a roll cage); it is OBLIGATORY for the driver and any passengers.

For 2-wheeled vehicles, in addition to the obligatory helmet, a 1-piece or 2-piece zipped leather suit, back protection, gloves, and suitable boots must be worn. Passengers and backpacks are strictly forbidden on motorcycles and karts.

You should do at least one lap of the circuit at moderate speed to get a feel for the layout, the particularities of the day, and the behavior of your vehicle. We also recommend that you do this at the end of your session to save your vehicle. It is forbidden to overtake track intervention vehicles.

No user is authorized to go to the scene of an incident or accident without the prior agreement of the track manager.

It is strictly forbidden to turn around on the circuit. Similarly, it is forbidden to stop or get out of the vehicle, except in cases of emergency (breakdown or oil leak), or in the event of mechanical problems, to finish the committed lap at moderate speed, outside the trajectories, and exit to the pits.

In the event of an oil or other fluid leak, you must immediately pull over to the side of the track, out of the way, so as not to damage the surface or cause an accident.

There's no need to be competitive, as drivers and vehicles can differ in terms of performance, and you'll benefit from generous driving times with few vehicles on the track. That's why it's forbidden to avoid or prevent being overtaken if a vehicle catches up with you; on the contrary, you must make it easier to overtake by indicating with your blinker that you're letting it overtake you, and if necessary, by reducing your speed. It's always the overtaking vehicle that changes trajectory.

Drifting is forbidden except on defined days.

Any stunt or attitude contrary to the elementary rules of driving (wheeling, burn-out, acrobatic driving position, etc.) will result in immediate and permanent exclusion.

Any person whose attitude or vehicle is considered to be dangerous, endangering his or her own safety or that of others, will be temporarily or permanently excluded by the management or track supervisor, without any refund being claimed.

The handling of flammable products is to be avoided and must be authorized by the management or track supervisor, accompanied by all necessary safety measures (fire extinguishers, suitable clothing, etc.).

Note: Damage to infrastructure is at the charge of the client. The use of fire extinguishers or absorbent bags will be billed in accordance with the current price list published on our site. The replacement of one or more mattresses at the entrance will be subject to a charge of €1,000 (excl. VAT) per mattress, and the resurfacing of the track will also be subject to a charge in the event of major damage (e.g. fire).

Article 9: Signs to respect

You must be aware of the location of the lights on the circuit before entering the track. A map is displayed at reception.

Red light or red flag:
Interruption or end of session: A major track incident has occurred requiring the intervention of a track machine to clear the vehicle, or end of running session, finish your lap at a moderate speed and return immediately to the pits.

Flashing orange light or yellow flag:
An incident has occurred on the track or on a section of track (spinning out, minor run-off, object on the track surface, etc...), you must slow down and not overtake other vehicles.

Black flag:
Concerns a specific vehicle: Your vehicle has a fault (leak, abnormal noise, part coming loose, etc.) or your driving is considered dangerous, requiring you to stop immediately in the pits.

Article 10: Subleasing and commercial activities

Unless expressly authorized in writing by the manager of SARL VAISON PISTE, subleasing is strictly forbidden on the site, and more generally, all sales (clothing, equipment, services, restaurants, etc.) on the site are forbidden.

Article 11: Leaving the site

All users of the circuit are reminded that when leaving our site after their training session, all drivers are required to comply with the rules and traffic regulations in effect in our country. In particular, they must comply with the French traffic regulations and speed limits, and their vehicles must be in compliance with current regulations, and in particular be homologated for this purpose, have their equipment in conformity and their tires in a normal state of wear and tear.

Article 12: Image rights and publicity

The right to image and publicity on the site is the exclusive property of SARL VAISON PISTE. We therefore reserve the right to use, at our own convenience, any photographs, videos or films taken on our property, even if these photographs and films enable persons and vehicles to be identified, for advertising, commercial or other purposes. In addition, no advertising may be displayed on the circuit without the express written authorization of the circuit management.

Article 13: Diverse

The introduction or consumption of alcoholic beverages or narcotics is strictly forbidden on the circuit. Smoking, cooking, eating and picnicking are strictly forbidden in and around the pits, garages, reception and training areas and on the circuit. The picnic is tolerated in the 1st parking lot. For meals on site, a catering area has been set aside specifically for this purpose.

Pets are tolerated only in the accompanying parking area, on a leash and muzzled if necessary, depending on the animal's classification. They are forbidden inside the paddock and buildings.

Article 14: Pollution and waste disposal

Users must ensure that no polluting substances are released into the environment or onto the track, and must dispose of their waste in the garbage cans provided on the site. In the event of damage to the site by a vehicle (loss of oil, etc.), or by its owner, the latter must pay the cost of restoring the circuit and its equipment.

Any deposit of materials (tires, car components, mechanical parts, cans, etc.) must be recovered by the owner, under penalty of exclusion and legal action.

Article 15: Noise

The customer is fully aware of the noise limit that must not be exceeded: 95 dB maximum. The customer agrees to never exceed this 95 dB limit, failing which he will be held fully responsible, both legally and financially, for exceeding the authorized limit. No refunds will be made in the event of sound exceeding the limit during sound checks.

Internal regulations updated 10/24/2024